KDC Accounting

Not receiving emails?

Not receiving emails?

Do you have a Hotmail or gmail account?

Are you not receiving emails from us?

There is an ongoing outage where Microsoft have increased their spam filters, and are now blocking a lot of emails from companies, who, previously, have been able to send emails.

We are part of this list.

We have applied to Microsoft to put us on the safe senders list, so our emails get through.

A workaround for you, is to add us to your safe senders list.

You need to add these addresses to your safe senders list







If you have a Hotmail account, and don’t know how to add us to your safe senders list, here are instructions


If you have a gmail account, and don’t know how to add us to your safe senders list, here are instructions



Hopefully this will allow you to now continue to receive emails from us 😊