How we determine our Fees
We generally provide an indicative price upfront but otherwise, you will be charged in accordance with our fees schedule.
Our fees are reviewed each year on 1st July.
We record our fees in 6-minute increments because that achieves the best outcome for you. For the current financial year (2022-2023), our GST Inclusive hourly rates are as follows:
2025 Financial Year (Commencing 1st July 2024)
Principal $550
Managers $462
Senior Accountants $385
Accountants $352
Junior Accountants $264
Bookkeeping $220 One-off short term tasks
Bookkeeping – Training $275
Bookkeeping $176 Ongoing and recurring bookkeeping work(less than 4 hours per reporting period)
Bookkeeping $121 Ongoing and recurring bookkeeping work (greater than 4 hours per reporting period)
Junior Bookkeeper $132
Administration $110
Company Secretarial –
– Annual Review (ASIC) $330
Our fees have been set so that the fee should be the same regardless of which team member undertakes the work. That is to say, the more senior team members will undertake most work more quickly than a more junior team member. Where a more senior member undertakes lower level work because a junior team member is not available, your fee will reflect the junior team member’s charge rate; in other words, it is our responsibility to delegate the work to the most appropriate team member and your fee will be the same regardless of who does the work.
We have a professional obligation to ensure that we only undertake work for which we are competent. It is at our discretion to determine the amount of time spent on a specific engagement to ensure accuracy and completeness along with compliance with all legislation and professional requirements. We also make a commitment to you to allocate all work to the appropriate team member required to achieve the best value for you, our client.
Please note: Junior Accountants are not capable of undertaking interviews. Our fees are set to reflect this.
When we identify that additional specific tasks are needed or requested and they represent a separate engagement for which additional fees will be charged, we undertake to confirm these fees and the basis for their charge, with you in advance of commencing the work.
Terms and Conditions
Our Fee Policy is that an invoice will be rendered to you on completion of each work project (eg Tax Return, BAS etc) and is due for payment within 7 days of receipt of your invoice. Any lodgements will be deferred until all invoices have been paid or an arrangement made.
Please refer to our Payment Options: for additional methods of paying our fees including how to pay our fee from your refund.
We are working on features that facilitate you paying our fee from our website. Come back again at a later date.
Packaged Fees
Many of our clients benefit from packaged fees. Whilst predominantly for our business clients, this service is also available for other clients utilising multiple service offerings. We will determine your fees for all services in advance for the year and determine an instalment amount according to your preferences (ie weekly, fortnightly, or monthly). This arrangement gives you certainty as to our fees and smooths your cash flow – avoiding lumpy payments due when we finish your work.